

misaraty 更新 | 2022-01-23


第一次听到“尼比鲁”源自Youtube上《老高與小茉 Mr & Mrs Gao》,我还同时接触到了“阿努纳奇”、“大洪水”、“蜥蜴人”等词汇。老高的分析有部分是基于撒迦利亚·西琴编著的《地球编年史》;而“西琴学”是伪学,姑且当作文学作品看。


网上流传尼比鲁与阿努纳奇、大洪水等有关,而NASA刻意隐藏了该星的相关信息,比如将尼比鲁坐标(5h 53m 27s, -6 10'58”)涂黑;对于这点,我比较好奇。

由于Google Sky上搜索框已消失,我手动定位了(5h 53m 27s, -6 10'58”)附近,如下图,




2008年,NASA专家David Morrison给的回复(原帖已删,无法访问;下面是转载的),

Question: I share your view on Nibiru causing a catastrophe. It has to be a hoax which has been around for a lot of time. However, the only thing that generates curiousity in me is the fact that the area dimensioned (5h 53m 27s, -6 10’ 58”) has been blackened out in Google Sky and Microsoft Telescope. People suggest that these have been blackened out because those are the co-ordinates where Nibiru is located at present. Please clarify.

Several people have asked me about this blank rectangle in Orion in Google Sky, which is a presentation of images from the Sloan Digital Survey. This can’t be a “hiding place” for Nibiru, since it is a part of the sky that could be seen from almost everywhere on the Earth last winter when much of this talk about Nibiru began. That would completely contradict the claims that Nibiru was hiding behind the Sun or that it could be seen only from the southern hemisphere. But I too was curious about this blank rectangle, so I asked a good friend who is a senior scientist at Google. He replied that he “found out that the missing data is due to a processing error in the image stitching program we use to display the Sloan survey images. The team assures me that in the next run through, this will be fixed!” David Morrison NAI Senior Scientist July 29, 2008

David Morrison从朋友那得知Sloan Digital Survey图像处理出了问题,并会很快得到修复。但在2019年,涂黑依旧存在。


  1. (5h 53m 27s, -6 10'58”)是否为猜测的尼比鲁坐标?

  2. 除了Sloan Digital Survey项目,其他天文台有该坐标的星图么?

